Dec 4, 2024
What awaits us for our one hundredth episode? Oh, the normal things: Smugglers being manipulated. Dark Jedi making power moves, and regular jedi offering therapy services. Clever tactical maneuvers using cloaked asteroids. Oh, and of course, a collection of trees that are not to be trusted.
Nov 20, 2024
This week, we crack the spine on the final book of Timothy Zahn's franchise-extending Thrawn trilogy, and wow, what a doozy it is. The Dark Force is no longer Rising, it's risen, and that means the pedal is down and the plot is going full speed. Talon Karrde is meeting with smugglers. Luke bounces all across the galaxy....
Nov 6, 2024
We return on this... historic... day... to wrap up the second entry in Timothy Zahn's franchise redefining Thrawn Trilogy. And when you hit the final third of a Star Wars story, you know what that means: Revelations! Compelling heart-to-heart confrontations! And, of course, a giant space battle to put a button...
Oct 23, 2024
It is all happening this week: Han reverts to a flustered school boy in the face of Corellian local legend. Luke gets a new teacher, and the vibes are more off than ever before. Leia connects with her dad's favorite slave race. And Mara Jade finds herself compelled to help a boy she just.... GRRR... she hates him!!!
Oct 10, 2024
There's good news and then there's great news. Good news is
stuff like "Within a few chapters, we meet an entirely new sort of
weirdo in Dark Force Rising." Good news is "In these chapters we
realize that Luke and Lando have impeccable chemistry." Good news
is the phrase "Senator Palpatine's Advisor."
Great news? Well....