Jan 27, 2021
“My lady, are you sure the information from Chancellor Palpatine is… reliable?” - C-3P0
After weeks of build up, we've finally made it to the Clone Wars series proper. Join us as we take our first dive into questions of Clone individuality, meet the polarizing Separatist commander General Grievous, and return to...
Jan 13, 2021
"You'll have to do better than that, my darling." - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Finally, we have arrived to the Clone Wars. At least, sort of. Today, we tackle 2008's The Clone Wars, a prelude meant to introduce the audience to the then-upcoming TV series. Join us as we meet overeager Padawan Ahsoka Tano, ambitious Sith apprentice...
Jan 6, 2021
Later this month, the crew here at A More Civilized Age will be launching a humble Patreon, with a monthly Q&A podcast as a bonus to our supporters. But since that Patreon isn't up yet, and because wanted to give folks a taste of what's to come, we wanted to do a free bonus episode for y'all this week. So, enjoy,...